Part 3 Instructing Workbook

Cover page image with blueprint-style background, featuring a drawing of 3 people facing forward within a red octagon

Part 3 Instructing Workbook

This book serves several purposes for both instructor trainers and their potential instructors. It acts as a source of important information for PDIs starting their Part Three training.

A generic lesson plan, with outline timings for a 60 min Standards Check lesson has been included on page 4. The lesson is divided into 'recap at start', 'teaching session' and 'recap at end'. The plan provides an outline framework to help instructors deliver 'client-centered teaching' in a systematic and structured way.

It offers detailed advice about the way the Part Three test is conducted. There are written exercises to be completed in preparation for the subsequent training sessions. There are also several pupil training record and assessment forms which can be used before, during or after driving lessons. Instructor trainers can use the record forms at the end of each training session with their PDIs.

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Cover page image with blueprint-style background, featuring a drawing of 3 people facing forward within a red octagon

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Part 3 Instructing Workbook